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13/7/20 | The EU Needs a New Balkan Strategy
Russian and Chinese influence in Serbia is growing. The EU needs to step up its game to avoid being sidelined.

19/12/19 | Boris Johnson Won’t Unite Britain – He’ll Keep Dividing It
An analysis of how Boris Johnson will keep his contradictory electoral coalition following his thumping victory in the 2019 General Election.

12/8/19 | Boris Johnson Doesn’t Want a No-Deal Brexit
An analysis of Boris Johnson’s Brexit strategy, which, rather than representing a march towards no-deal, should be seen as an attempt at provoking parliament into blocking Britain’s departure on October 31.

07/6/19 | How Brexit was radicalised
An analysis of how the British Eurosceptic movement became radicalised by the 2016 EU referendum campaign.

19/3/19 | Serbia’s protests aren’t the beginning of a Balkan spring
A report on the weekly anti-government protests in Serbia that some have speculated might be the sprouts of a “Balkan Spring”.

24/6/18 | For Serbs, Switzerland isn’t neutral
A report on the political subtext of the World Cup 2018 group match between Serbia and Switzerland, which many billed as Serbia against Kosovo.

09/3/18 | How Aleksandar Vucic became Europe’s favourite autocrat
A profile of Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic, who is frequently accused of being an EU-backed autocrat by his critics at home.

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